
Free Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Renewal Events

TCEQ is hosting two FREE events for MS4 owners and operators to explain the 2024 Phase II MS4 General Permit renewal requirements and how to obtain a new or renewal authorization.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) renewed the Phase II (Small) MS4 General Permit, TXR040000, on Aug. 15, 2024. This general permit authorizes stormwater discharges from small MS4s located within an urban area with a population of at least 50,000 people into surface water in the state. Existing permittees and newly regulated small MS4s have a 180-day period to renew or apply for their new authorization. The renewal period ends on Feb. 11, 2025.

TCEQ is hosting a free in-person workshop in Fort Worth, Texas, and an online webinar. During the workshop and webinar, TCEQ staff will:

  • Provide an overview of the technical requirements under the renewed 2024 general permit.
  • Explain changes from the previous permit term.
  • Discuss the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) template.

You can ask TCEQ stormwater permitting staff questions during the events. We will post a recording of the webinar after the event.

Event Information

In-Person Workshop Date, Time, and Location:

  • Oct. 29, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
  • Location: Tarrant County College Northeast Campus
    NTSU (Student Union Building) Center Corner Room #1615-C
    828 W Harwood Rd, Hurst, TX 76054

Webinar Date and Time:

  • Nov. 12, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Online via Microsoft Teams Live

Event Registration:

Sign up for the workshop and webinar using the MS4 Webinar Registration Form.

Resources for Small MS4 Operators

  • The SWMP Template (RG-646) is designed for Level 1 and Level 2 entities. The template can also be used by Level 3 and 4 MS4 entities. However, please note that these levels have more best management practices (BMPs) requirements.
  • A recording from a Sep. 17 EPA webinar explains how to electronically submit your Phase II MS4 Notice of Intent or Waiver applications in NetMS4.
  • Additional information on the 2024 Phase II MS4 General Permit can be found on TCEQ’s Assistance Tools for MS4 webpage.

Small Business and Local Government Assistance

For further assistance, contact the Small Business and Local Government Assistance hotline at 800-447-2827 or visit our webpage at TexasEnviroHelp.org.



Drought Response for Public Water Systems

Hot summer months are approaching, bringing dry conditions to the state. Public water systems may start to see a strain on their water supplies.

TCEQ is encouraging public water systems to take reasonable measures to increase conservation efforts and to identify and secure alternative water supplies to meet system needs.

Conservation Measures

You can use the following conservation measures and alternative water supply plans to prepare for drought:

  • Start implementing your Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) response measures to reduce consumption.
  • Encourage water conservation.
  • Conduct public education and outreach activities.
  • Measure and track existing water supplies.
  • Repair leaks in your distribution system to limit water loss.
  • Report your water supply level to TCEQ if it is approaching less than 180 days.
  • Evaluate infrastructure and develop plans to meet needs (such as extending intake structures to deeper waters, drilling new wells, etc.).
  • Seek authorizations and funding resources to extend your existing water supply or obtain new sources.

Your DCP is an important tool in conserving and managing your water supply during difficult times. We encourage you to review your DCP and prepare to apply water use restrictions as appropriate. If the water system you purchase from has started restrictions, review your purchase water contract and be prepared to also put restrictions into effect if necessary.

When to Notify TCEQ

Use the online drought reporting form to notify TCEQ of water supply shortages or of any changes to your water use restrictions. Contact your local TCEQ regional office if you’re experiencing an emergency or need immediate assistance.

In the event that you need to haul in drinking water, it must be obtained and transported by a TCEQ-approved water hauler.

Additional Information

TCEQ has a free Financial, Managerial, and Technical (FMT) assistance program to help your water system address drought and many other compliance issues.

For more drought information, visit our Drought in Texas webpage.

For questions, please call the Environmental Assistance Hotline at 1-800-447-2827 or the Water Supply Division at 512-239-4691.


Tier II 2023 Annual Reports Are Open

The Tier II Annual reporting season in Texas covering calendar year 2023 has officially begun, with users having the ability to start their draft 2023 Annual report prior to the beginning of the new year. These reports can be submitted January 1st, 2024 at the earliest. All 2023 Tier II Annual reports in Texas have a submission due date of March 1st, 2024.

Training classes are still available to assist users with navigating the Tier II reporting process and can be signed up for on our Trainings page. Live trainings have limited class capacity, but recordings of both the Refresher and Full training class will be available soon.


Water Utilities Technical Assistance Program (WUTAP)

The primary goal of WUTAP is to provide eligible water and wastewater utilities with financial, managerial and technical capabilities necessary to apply for financial assistance from the TWDB. The technical assistance will be provided, through contracts between the provider and TWDB, by experts in the field that have been pre-qualified by TWDB.

1. What is technical assistance?

Technical assistance, in regard to this program, is assistance provided to water and wastewater systems to help build their managerial and technical capabilities related to applying for financial assistance from the TWDB.

2. Why does TWDB offer a technical assistance program?

TWDB has made it a priority to offer technical assistance programs for several reasons, but the primary reason is that many systems have shown the need for this assistance due to limited resources, lack of knowledge and high turnover of staff. Some of the benefits that can be realized from receiving technical assistance include:

  • Sustainable Operations – Assessing the current operational status of the system is the first step to ensuring the system has the capability of meeting its service goals and requirements and identifying needs for the future.
  • Sound Fiscal Management – Having a current, comprehensive understanding of your budget and the short-, medium- and long-term forecasting of future budgets puts utilities in a position to be sustainable financially. This includes reviewing your current financial health, identifying future needs and assessing the rates you charge customers.
  • Financial Assistance Applications – Applying for funding from the TWDB and other agencies/organizations can be seen as a daunting and resource intensive task. Having a good foundation of information, and knowledge of funding program availability and requirements can go a long way to make the process more manageable.


Eligible Applicants

All water and wastewater systems in Texas are eligible for this program, as long as they desire to seek funding from TWDB in the future.

Benefits and Terms

  • Up to $150,000 worth of services dependent upon the needs of the system.
    • Final products of the program include:
      • Approvable Water Conservation Plans
      • Successful submission of Project Information Forms/Abridged Applications
      • Successful submission of Financial Assistance Applications for invited entities
      • Summary reports with recommendations for financial management controls and operating processes.
      • Completed rate study
      • Completed training regarding Disadvantaged Business Enterprises requirements including submission of documentation for federal reporting purposes.

Program Requirements

There is no financial match required by the system

Participation from the system’s staff (operations, managerial, administration and governing body) are key to the successful implementation of the program.

How to participate in WUTAP

For Water and Wastewater systems – Systems interested in participating in WUTAP must submit an application. The application will be posted on this webpage on November 17, 2023 and will be accepted through January 31, 2024. When the application period ends, the applications will be scored and ranked based on criteria that can be found below. Systems selected to participated will be matched with a qualified contractor based on the types of services needed and a Memorandum of Agreement between the system and the TWDB will be executed.

Once the initial round has been completed entities can submit applications to participate in the program. Entities will be selected based on needs and as funding is available.


4. What is in the WUTAP Scope of Work?

The WUTAP Scope of Work includes several different tasks, which will be assigned to technical assistance providers based on the needs of the participant systems. These tasks include:

  • Asset Management Evaluation
  • Preparation of a Rate Study
  • Review of Existing Organizational Operations Procedures
  • Review of Existing Financial Statement/Budgeting Procedures
  • Development of Water Conservation Plans
  • Completion of Project Information Forms/Financial Assistance Applications

More information on the WUTAP Scope of Work can be found in the Request for Qualifications for this program.

5. Where can I get more information?

WUTAP Overview of Request for Qualifications and Application Process



The new TCEQ resiliency training requirements will go into effect for ALL water operators on April 1, 2024.

In response to Winter Storm Uri and Senate Bill 3 from 87th Texas Legislature, TCEQ has implemented a resiliency training requirement to address preparing for, preventing, and responding to weather emergencies and power outages.

For details, please refer to the Guidance for Resiliency Training Requirements for Water Operators and Training Providers, (RG-637). Below is a summary of the resiliency requirements for water operators:

  • For applications received on or after April 1, 2024, individuals obtaining or upgrading a water license must take the two-hour core course “Resiliency Overview” or the revised Basic Waterworks Operation core course, which includes the resiliency overview. The Overview course may only be taken once for credit and will apply to all water licenses held by an individual.
  • All current active water license holders, with licenses that expire on or after April 1, 2024, must complete a minimum of two hours of Resiliency Continuing Education (CE) training within each renewal cycle to renew their water license at any level. The Resiliency CEs will count towards the 30 CEs required to renew the license.
  • All current active water license holders must take the two-hour core course “Resiliency Overview” once, within one of the first two renewal cycles. This will meet the resiliency requirement for the renewal cycle in which it was taken and will also count towards the 30 CE hours required to renew a water license.
  • If an individual holds multiple water licenses, the Resiliency CE hours will be applied to all current water licenses, as long as they are obtained during each licenses’ validity period.

Approved resiliency training can be found on the TCEQ licensing website, with a direct link to a list of all approved resiliency training, which is separated by Resiliency Overview and Resiliency Continuing Education (CE) courses. Additionally, when searching for courses listed under the Water training dropdown, all approved resiliency courses will begin with “(RESIL)”.


Asset Management Program for Small Systems (AMPSS)
Participant Application and Request for Qualifications Now Open

Contractor request for qualifications open through October 18
Participant system applications due November 2

Vendors interested in being contractors for Asset Management Program for Small Systems (AMPSS) projects can now view the Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB’s) request for qualifications (RFQ) on the Electronic State Business Daily website. Statements of qualifications will be accepted through October 18. Please refer to Section 4.10 in the RFQ for specific instructions on how to make an inquiry about the RFQ itself.

Applications for water and wastewater systems interested in being AMPSS participants will be accepted through November 2. The participant system application, along with additional information about AMPSS, can be found on the TWDB website. Please note that if you are applying for drinking water and wastewater systems, a separate application is required for each system.

The Asset Management Program for Small Systems is a funding opportunity offered by the TWDB to assist small water and wastewater systems by creating a comprehensive plan for managing the systems in a financially and technically sustainable manner. Systems participating in AMPSS may choose a pre-qualified contractor to work with to create an asset management plan; operations, maintenance, and compliance manuals; and other management tools.

There is no financial match required from the systems, but they will be required to contribute at least 80 hours of their staff time towards the project. This project will help systems thoroughly inventory their assets; determine the condition and criticality of each asset; plan for short-, medium-, and long-term capital improvement projects; ensure adequate maintenance is planned for and conducted; and prepare the system for accessing the State Revolving Fund programs. Together, these tools and information will help the systems prepare for the future, train new staff, and communicate the needs of their system to their staff, governance, and citizens.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Patrick Kading
Manager, Program Administration
Patrick.kading@twdb.texas.gov or AMPSS@twdb.texas.gov


Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the LCRR on December 16, 2021.

The revised rule details additional public health protection measures and applies to community and nontransient noncommunity public water systems. These systems must come into compliance by October 16, 2024.

Under the revised rule systems must develop and submit a Lead Service Line Inventory for both the utility owned service lines and the customer service lines. Service lines must be categorized as lead, galvanized requiring replacement, lead status unknown, or non-lead.

We encourage you to start collecting this data now because it will be a time-intensive project for your water system. Funding may be available in the future on a first come, first serve basis. If you need help starting your inventory, please contact the TCEQ Financial, Managerial, and Technical Assistance Program.

Below are some other highlights of the revisions:

  • Lead trigger level added.
  • Change in tiering system with an increased emphasis on lead service lines for sample site selection.
  • Change in sample collection procedures.
  • Find-and-Fix approach if an individual sample exceeds the lead action level.
  • Increase in public education requirements.
  • Lead testing at schools and childcare facilities for community public water systems.

EPA announced an additional update to strengthen key elements of the Lead and Copper Rule called Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). According to EPA, this new rulemaking is expected before October 16, 2024.

For more information, see the resources below:

If you have questions, please email LCRR@tceq.texas.gov or call 512-239-4691.

For future LCRR updates, webinars, guidance documents, and notices please sign up for GovDelivery notifications.


EPA’s Technical Assistance Webinar Series: Providing Process Control Technical Assistance to Small Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a series of webinars on technical assistance for small wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operators in October 2022. Recordings of each session are now available.

Providing Process Control Technical Assistance to Small Mechanical WWTPs

Previous Webinars

Visit EPA’s Technical Assistance Webinar Series: Improving CWA-NPDES Permit Compliance webpage for information on additional webinar recordings.

Additional Free Wastewater Operator Training

Water Sector Workforce Webinars EPA hosted a series of webinars highlighting ways in which many organizations across the water sector are implementing programs to help utilities as they address their own workforce challenges.

WaterOperator.org This program aggregates the best web resources for small system operators in a free, user-friendly location. This is supported by the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, with funding from the EPA.

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